

近日,華中農業大學農業生態團隊結合meta大資料分析和田間控制試驗驗證的方法,對氮肥施用量和施用時期對稻米產量和品質的影響進行了綜合分析,指出適當减少氮肥施用總量和减少氮肥穗粒肥施用量,能明顯改善稻米食味品質並且不會影響產量。同時該研究對不同施肥條件下水稻氮素吸收、分配與稻米蛋白含量的關係進行了分析,提出提高氮肥農學利用率(ANUE)是獲得水稻豐產和優質平衡的關鍵,為農業生產轉型條件下水稻豐產美食味栽培的氮肥優化管理措施提供理論指導與科技支撐。該研究以“Balance rice yield and eating quality by changing the traditional nitrogen management for sustainable production in China”為題發表於Journal of Cleaner Production雜誌。





Total yield of rice in China has been greatly improved in recent decades.However,this yield improvement is excessively dependent on the input of nitrogen(N)fertilizer.In recent years,since the demand for rice quantity has basically been met,consumers pay more attention to rice quality,especially the eating quality.Increasing N application improves the yield of rice,but it changes the protein and amylose content in rice,generally reducing the eating quality.It is necessary to establish a more reasonable N management to balance yield and eating quality for rice sustainable development in China.In this study,we assessed the effectiveness of various N managements on rice yield and eating quality by meta-analysis.Under traditional N management,increasing the amount of total N and late-stage N applications weaken the yield increase and decrease the eating quality with the significant increase in protein and amylose content in rice.By reducing total N and late-stage N application input,eating quality and N use efficiency could be significantly improved.Further,conditional inference tree analysis indicated that adjusting the amount of late-stage N application was a major measure to improve traditional N fertilization,since it could increase agronomic N use efficiency in rice production and balance yield maintenance and eating quality improvement.Our supplementary experiment results further confirmed that adjusting N management could improve the rice yield and eating quality with less N input.Thus,we propose the following adjusting N management strategies for rice sustainable production in China:(1)Decreasing the traditional high N rate is absolutely necessary,although it will slightly decrease rice yield,but significantly improve rice eating quality and N use efficiency;(2)Reducing the amount of late-stage N application appropriately could improve the rice eating quality;(3)Improving agronomic N use efficiency is the key to balance rice yield and eating quality.Our results provide an important reference for the future N management in rice production for the purpose of achieving high yield and better eating quality.



資料標籤: 水稻 華中農業大學
本文標題: 華中農業大學學者揭示平衡水稻產量和食味品質的氮肥管理策略
永久網址: https://www.laoziliao.net/doc/1656060732777892
標籤: 科學 科普
標籤: 科學 海洋科學 科普
標籤: 鄧宏魁 幹細胞 科學 科普 胚胎